This is how Aerosmith remembers Kurt Cobain (Nirvana): "He was a very quiet guy"

-Joe Perry recalls what it was like to meet Kurt Cobain, who went to see his band as a fan.

Although when Kurt Cobain succeeded with Nirvana he revolutionized the entire rock scene, that doesn't mean he wasn't a fan of some of his predecessors like Aerosmith for example .

Now, in a new interview with Classic Rock (via Louder Sound ), Boston guitarist Joe Perry has recalled how Cobain went to visit his band backstage at a concert: "It was pretty quiet. I just wanted to hang out a while," Perry said. "He came to the dressing room with Courtney Love and sat with us. He was a normal guy. When he went to the bathroom, Courtney - who was very verbal - told us: 'He loves you guys. He doesn't like anybody, but he loves you. ' I had nothing but respect for the guy. He was an amazing songwriter and performer, and hearing that was great."

-Perry affirms that this idea that the new generations of musicians should hate their predecessors is something that is imposed more by the record companies than by the artists themselves. For example, Joe has recalled how he went to see Foo Fighters and the band invited him into their warm-up room: "They have all the instruments set up so they can go jam ," he explained, " and they knew all the Aerosmith songs by heart. I couldn't believe it, I was embarrassed. They were playing songs that I hadn't played in thirty years. It wasn't nonsense, they were fans, but the fact that they could play some of those songs and knew those riffs by heart, was Like: 'Shit!'”

To all this, Cobain and Aerosmith saw each other again. In 1992, when he found out that Kurt had a heroin problem, Steven Tyler, the band's singer, tried to help him out by contacting the Nirvana team and asking for the vocalist's personal phone number. This is how Janet Billig, manager and producer who worked with Nirvana, recounted how this failed intervention was: "Just when it started to come out that Kurt was taking drugs, I remember Steven Tyler called and wanted to help. I told Kurt: 'Shit, Steven Tyler called to my office and he wants to help you. Can I give him your number? And he said, 'Steven Tyler has to be a drug addict for 18 fucking years. I've only been doing drugs for an hour.'"

Both would end up talking about addictions and a life beyond drugs, but it was too late: “I'm angry about Kurt. The kid didn't have to die ," Tyler said shortly after he found the body of the Nirvana legend.



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